

Norri Collier

Norri Collier, D.C. incorporated Eidetics into her private practice in 1996 after being inspired by the immediate improvement of a fellow colleague dealing with health issues.

Dr. Collier is a proponent of staying on the cutting edge of the healing arts with advanced continuing education and studying the latest treatments available; taking Chiropractic care to a new level of healing.

Dr. Collier is a Texas Chiropractic College alumna of 1985 and has maintained a state of the art private practice since 1987.   For over 20 years, Dr. Collier has been dedicated to building a better state of health for her patients.  Due to her pioneering spirit in the natural healing field, she is looked upon as one of Houston’s foremost providers of alternative medical care.

Working with the Sports Team at the Eidetic Imagery Training Center of Texas, Dr. Collier will bring this highly effective technique to the athletic world advancing the athlete’s level of competitiveness.

Based on observation and experience in treating patients through Eidetics, Dr. Collier has repeatedly seen the profound relationship between physiological complaints and emotional/psychological overlays.  The physiology can heal, however, not while there is compressed memory in the nervous system.  By addressing the psychological stress from traumatic accidents, injuries or events, Eidetics influences the entire body by restoring proper signals in the nervous system.  The true eidetic image releases and restores health to the body.

Dr. Collier has bridged her expanded knowledge in Chiropractic care with Eidetic Image Psychology to optimize her patients’ recovery by releasing their full health potential; ultimately getting their lives back on track.

“Feeling good never felt better” – Norri J. Collier, D.C.




